Cloud Atlas - by David Mitchell
I do believe a Richard and Judy endorsed book, but don't let that put you off.
Basically a set of six novellas following the lives of six characters (all vaguely related or linked to one another in some shape or form, which I don't think the author quite pulled off to the readers satisfaction, well not this one anyway). That aside the strength was Mitchells ability to create/re-create the language of the time each novella was set, from the first: The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing - A 19th Century seafaring affair, to Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' - set in a future time where people live a primitive existence, the language he created for this section was suberb and utterly believable. Taking as a model Orwell's Newspeak, and I suppose todays Newspeak! Shortened sentences, derivitives of words that are recognisible, yet childlike, hard work sometimes but well worth it.
"A rollercoaster of a Novel" no really...