Why don't I just join? I have!

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Posts: 38
Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:25 pm
Location: Kent, UK

Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:35 pm

I was very impressed with this forum, and spent ages surfing all the categories, before I thought, "Why don't I just join?" - so here I am! I have been writing poetry since I was 12, avidly (and with the usual angst!) as a teen, then with a few lapses when my children were young/my career was demanding/I became a single parent etc - you know the sort of thing! But I have always taken up the pen when the urge called, so have never stopped writing entirely. I am now content with my life at last (which is not always conducive to writing poetry!) so have decided to let others see my work and offer their constructive criticism. I also look forward to reading reviewing the work of other poets, which I think is an amazing thing to be able to do online - when I think of all the years I spent wishing that there was someone who could offer an opinion on my work, without having to send it to a publisher to obtain any sort of a feedback!
Hope to "speak" to some of you soon,

Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:06 pm

Welcome on board, and I would say I do hope you stick around, but since you already have done, that would be somewhat moot ;-)

Yeah, it's a good crowd here, I do declare.

Posts: 13973
Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:40 pm
Location: Ellan Vannin

Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:46 pm

Very good. Get cracking.

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