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Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:30 am

Firstly hello to everyone here, I am Alucinary, and although this is clearly an alias it is one I have adopted for nearly all of my online dealings for at least the last five years so it might as well be my real name (google it and see if you like). The only two snippets of personal information freely given away about the person represented under this name is that a) I'm male, and b) I'm from the UK. I hope nobody here is offended by the fact that I am unwilling to share too many personal details, but I prefer life this way - anomitity in my veiw means there is less to base an initial judgement upon.

Anyway, back to the hellos... Well I guess I probably will not meet the normal stereotype for the type of person that writes in any fashion and more over shares my feelings / thoughts with the world at large, however I happen to enjoy English literature greatly (despite heavy encouragement - which I admit was taken - to quit my English studies as early as possible. None the less when time is freely available and the mood is right I find myself engrosed in the literatural works of the past (ok something else you should know - I like to invent words and phrases occasionaly if the correct one does not spring to mind...). Alongside my enjoyment of reading, discovering and widening my horrizons I particularly enjoy writing, although I feel in my own disipline of academia this would probably be a laughable concept! I am very pedantic about what I write, and so have only recently released my first (proper) attempt of a poem onto the world at large to see what responces I would receive. If anyone is interested this poem was entitled "The Ocean". I am keen to perfect my style, form and manner - especially as I have never been taught literature to a level higher than GCSE and am not expecting praise above critism for a long time yet! Hopefully by integrating with you people I should be able to acheive my two aims - firstly to become more confident about my writing and written communication, and secondly to improve my written work. I have trialed a large number of different forums and workshops over the last 48 hours and quite honestly only this one has offered the correct level of acceptance and guidance that I am looking for so I am hoping that this may be my chance to develop my skill and ambition to express myself.

Anyway I've now rambled on for a bit, hopefully not so long as to bore you, so I shall end with a hearty hello and a wish that you shall help to point me in the right dirrection - only please don't expect frequent work as I have both a very tight schedule and also refuse to post work that does not meet my current minimum standards...
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Perspicacious Poster
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Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:17 pm

Welcome on board alu (can I call u alu?)

Nothing wrong at all in holding something back - as you say there can be no influences or judgements then. I hope you will find this a supportive place to develop your writing and if you make up your words thats a great place to start.

Hope you enjoy

Preternatural Poster
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Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:19 pm

Wellcome onbored, anomitous one.
There's only one rule in street and bar fights: maximum violence, instantly. (Martin Amis, "Money")
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Preponderant Poster
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Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:02 pm

Lovely introduction, welcome to the forum :) This place is great for constructive, friendly advice and you will get fair and honest suggestions on how to improve something. Hope to see more of you soon,

In the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded. (Terry Pratchett on the Big Bang Theory)
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Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:38 am


Thanks for making me feel welcome! (I would have replied sooner but apparantly I didn't stick a flag on this post to receive notifications...) I have been snooping around some of the forums at pg and found some wonderful reads so am very happy to have found this comunity!

(p.s elph, if you wish to shorten my name then I would rather aluc than alu however I'm not about to kick up a fuss!)
[center]Imagine a perfect world, create that world around you, and share your world with others.[/center]
Angus McQuaid
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Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:12 pm

Welcome to the fold.

Although we have already met (on the forum) I thought it should be official.

Angus. :D
If you do not choose your words carefully then you will have chosen your master.
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