Had a cardiac event

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Sun Jul 31, 2022 5:44 am

Hi, folks. About ten days ago I had a "cardiac event". I was lifting my air-conditioner into the window and put a strain on my heart, which caused it to beat hard for a few seconds. I have suffered from heart palpitations for at least twelve years, but they were at a point at which they were happening only occasionally. This event caused my heart to flip into atrial fibrillation on what appeared to be a permanent basis, although in the last couple days my heart seems to have calmed down a little. Lifting the air-conditioner was stupid because I was already very weak from having Covid last February. In other words, I never fully recovered from it.

Has anyone here had any experience with atrial fibrillation? I have been to the emergency room, and to see my doctor, and I am also taking a blood thinner (atrial fibrillation can cause strokes), and I'll be having an echocardiogram soon.
Last edited by CalebPerry on Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:24 am

My sympathy Caleb. I wouldn't say your action was stupid. I've been ambushed by not being aware, and the body has kicked in with a reminder. I have no knowledge about atrial fibrillation .

Take Care

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Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:39 am

I think the word "atrial" refers to the upper chambers of the heart. "Fibrillation" means that the upper chambers, instead of beating normally (which would move blood), just keep fluttering rapidly. Because adequate blood supply is needed for energy, a person with "afib" feels constantly tired. You can imagine that for nine days I had the left-over tiredness of Covid coupled with the additional tiredness from the afib. I felt like my life was over. I appreciate the sympathy.
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Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:22 am

Hi Caleb,

I'm sorry about your cardiac event; it sounds frightening. I hope your heart continues to calm down. One of my uncles has atrial fibrillation and I think he went into hospital to have his heart restarted at some point. He didn't talk about it much, but he has improved since then. I hope the ECG is useful for you.

Best wishes,
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Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:36 am

Fliss, thanks for your comments. I didn't notice them until now.

I had nine straight days of nonstop atrial fibrillations, but in the last few days I have had periods in which my heart resumed beating normally, so my heart seems to be recovering. The fibrillations rob me of my energy, and I don't have much to lose because I am still feeling tired from having Covid. I have an appointment with a cardiologist in September.
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Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:09 pm

You're welcome, Caleb :)

Nine straight days of atrial fibrillations sounds incredibly tiring; I'm glad your heart seems to be in recovery. I remember your having Covid and I hope your appointment goes well.

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Wed Aug 03, 2022 11:20 pm

Thank you for the good wishes!
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