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Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:13 pm
by camus
No doubt you'll have noticed the latest incident between Caleb and I.

It's regrettable of course and quite obviously we are at odds. Let me put things in perspective, then draw a line under this acrimonious relationship, once and for all!

Firstly - Previous. Caleb has been an antagonistic presence since the day he arrived here. To illustrate/prove this, I've delved into the banning archives:


Reason for ban:
Inability to get on with other humans.


Reason for ban:
We've been here before. You haven't improved.

Now I felt the previous Mods were on occasion over-zealous with the banning and (believe it or not) I actually fought Caleb's corner on a couple of occasions. Unfortunately now i've been on the receiving end of his rude and childish outbursts, I kind of see where they were coming from. It's unacceptable behaviour and shouldn't be tolerated. So it wasn't. To wield and satisfy my despotic powers, I recently banned Caleb again, for 24 hours.

Caleb can't take criticism or being challenged on any level. That's a fact. I personally have had enough of it. If he continues to use personal insults, next time he will be banned for 7 days and finally, permanently.

I do understand Caleb has become an integral part of this community and for whatever reason some of you are fond of him. I don't want to compromise that and I really don't want to ban him. So I suggest if he reads this, he takes it on board, goes about the business of posting poems and stops being a complete pain (although I fear that's not going to happen.) We'll all be happy.

There is no reason for anyone to comment on this thread, least of all Caleb, I really don't want another reason to ban him. So it's locked.
