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Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:27 am

In the semi-light
Words form before expected
And hairs of brightness brush
Thin letters on the page.

There in the semi-dark
Laughter twinkles softly
Between windows, and flickers
In the street light
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Perspicacious Poster
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Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:35 pm

'Words form before expected', doesn't make grammatical sense. You could use, 'words form unexpectedly' (or 'suddenly' - 'surprisingly').

'Laughter twinkles softly
Between windows, and flickers
In the street light' -

- I like the idea of this, although I'm not quite sure why you used 'between windows'.

semi- dark(ness) - Half full or half-empty.

nice one

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Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:35 am

Hi Yesterday,
Words form before expected
Is this what you mean? : Words are formed before they are expected to be formed.
And hairs of brightness brush
Thin letters on the page.
I like this image too much.

Thanks for the nice piece.
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Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:08 am

Precisly Adour, i was origonally discribing my writing on paper, as i was writing the words formed fast from my pen than i my brain suposed they would.

Barrie, i am not entirely sure why i used between windows... it seemed to fit in with the streetlight, as in neighbors over the road, although that is a long way for laughter to travel, but perhaps on a still night.

Thankyou for your comments, i'm glad you liked it.

P.s. does anyone have any idea of how to publish their poems, like magazines or something, my options are limited to the website and though i really apreacite all of the critque i would liked to more publicise my work, if its any good.
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Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:17 pm

Beautiful first verse..

But to me the 2nd didnt do it justice....

Just my opinion :)
Such things of great potential
Beauty love innate, so true
To look within thyself
To realise, I am, As you
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Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:47 pm

Hi Yesterday...

I enjoyed the poem. Your writing here is short and compact. I do enjoy short poems as well.

An image of the writer producing his words in the first stanza, w/:
Words form before expected/And hairs of brightness brush/Thin letters on the page. Introspection is apparent in the beginning of this piece.

Following in the second stanza with the writer taking senses, feelings from the outside: "laughter twinkles softly/Between windows, and flickers"

Also there is a real sense of time with this poem. As the day comes to an end : In the semi-light . Then it is night: There in the semi-dark

Nice work.

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Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:49 am

Greybald.... you are correct, the second orignoally went

There in the semi-dark
small smile touches mine
and murmers settle gently
in thickened shadows.

But that was not the effect i was going for, i was more foucsing on the sens of writing as it turns to dark (the first verse, and then the second i was more aware of what was around me)
Perhaps this is why the second verse does 'do it justice'... im not sure...
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Preponderant Poster
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Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:21 am

Very nice. Nothing to critique.

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you can't lose some blues you ain't never had
-Muddy Waters
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Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:45 pm

There in the semi-dark
Laughter twinkles softly
Between windows, and flickers
In the street light

thats a really nice line

'Laughter twinkles softly
Between windows' thats very nice

(sorry, im not much of a critic)
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Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:34 am

thats ok... i still apreciate your apreciatation... :)
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