To Ra

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Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:49 pm

I feel like plastic a piece of cod in lipstick.
I feel so dead and gone where is my song
they said I was fantastic
they hate me for my plastic
their love for money
isn't it all so funny.

I took them out for dinner
shoved wine down their fucking throats
the best I bought in Paris
along with Higher notes!

I dance now
at my throat

I gave them songs and danced with them
they couldn't write the lines
but now they are so famous
and I so left behind.

Never Mind RA, sun god of the sky,
I will always Love You
until the day I die.
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Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:06 pm

I don't know about this it just came and drenched down on me...

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Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:31 pm


This is a departure for you. I bit of anger expressed. I am sure it felt good to get it out.
The idea of feeling like plastic is a good one, it said a lot.

I didn't understand the dancing at your throat part.

and I like the mention of lipstick.

I think that I would leave the end verse out and change the title but understand that it is part of the message you wanted to express so maybe it is not a good idea at all..
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Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:52 pm

Thanks Su, your words are deep.

Love the way you express yourself now it is a growing
depth of wonder............

Nice to see you around su, always love Yoooooooooo.

Loads of love everxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx really

so ever muchxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When I came six months ago i was full of mine own
self and no one cared for me but I now know I guess,
how much you all mean to me.-----------how much i
love you..................

So much love then....( me being silly again). X
Last edited by Lovely on Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:51 pm

Hello Lovely - this does seem a little angrier than normal for you, though it felt as if this anger had subsided, or at least been derailed, by the end of the poem.

The cod, lipstick beginning was intriguing - and I enjoyed thinking about an image that would never occur to me. It seemed that the lifeless 'plastic/dead' feeling was in someway made worse by having to dress up in some way (the lipstick?). Not sure if I've got that one right...

The second plastic reference was beyond me - it seemed in a way like 'you' and 'them' hated the subject of the poem for the same reason. Like I said, though, the lifelessness of the first stanza was very strong, and the final line 'Isn't it all so funny' seemed to reek with disillusionment/sarcasm.

For me, it was maybe a little more sad than angry...and the dancing at the throat sounded sinister. For that reason, I'm glad the last stanza was there - there was literally some light at the end of the tunnel and it seemed to be saying 'Good riddance'. Which linked me back to the title - which I guess was also clever word-play on Cilla Black's famous farewell.

One other thing: although they may have referred to very different ideas, I would have tried to avoid using words twice (e.g plastic and throats).

Enjoyed reading it - thank you.

And thanks for your recent comments on my stuff by the way, really liked them. Cheers.

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Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:57 pm


i think i will love you now and ever.............

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Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:44 pm

This is about the song-writers you've fallen out with? Nice sense of anger and sadness.

I dance now
at my throat

is an interesting and rather worrying phrase.

Poetically, I'd leave off the part about Ra - it doesn't really seem to fit. Perhaps end with something about dancing alone without them now, not needing them any more as you can say what you want with only words - you don't need their music.

Rosencrantz: What are you playing at? Guildenstern: Words. Words. They're all we have to go on.
Antiphon -
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Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:48 pm

Love You Ros thank you.

Right on Ros.

Love you

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Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:41 am

It came out in five breaths Ros

so love you for your thoughts and words

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wow!
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Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:52 pm

Hi Lovely. Well, this is Raaaaa angry. Good to get it out of the system I s'pose and get back to your enchanted writings. xx

"Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you" - Rumi
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Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:49 pm

To throw a little spanner of reality into the mutual admiration society, the poem needs a comma after "plastic" and also after gone and the rhyme is somewhat erratic. Apart from that you managed to convey the emotion very well. I was interested in your attachment to RA or RE. My daughter, who has an exaggerated idea of my intellectual abilities ,bought me a very expensive Ancient Egyptian Grammar. I was duty bound to have a go BUT The vowels we put in are totally guesswork. No vowels in written Egyptia n. There are three versions: hierogylphs, hieratic and demotic. The writing can be left to right or right to left etc. I think I am to old but it may amuse you to realise that nefertiti could be nafertoto, nifaertata inf. Hope it amuses you that Ra can be Ro or Ri or Re ( often wriiten as such) Sorry about the typing. Liked the poem.
Last edited by Petronius on Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:17 pm

To ra loo ra loo ral, To ra loo ra li,
To ra loo ra loo ral, That's an Irish lullaby

Petronius wrote:My daughter, who has an exaggerated idea of my intellectual abilities ,bought me a very expensive Ancient Egyptian Grammar. I was duty bound to have a go BUT The vowels we put in are totally guesswork. No vowels in written Egyptia n. There are three versions: hieroglphs, hieratic and demotic. The writing can be left to right or right to left etc. I think I am to old but it may amuse you to realise that nefertiti could be nafertoto, nifaertata inf. Hope it amuses you that Ra can be Ro or Ri or Re ( often wriiten as such) Sorry about the typing. Liked the poem.
Jehovah's the same, isn't He?
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Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:47 am

Yes. There is some guidance as to vowels. The ritual language of the coptic church is derived from ancient egyptian. I hope subjects like this are admissible. I tend to get carried away by my own interests and think people share them and they often don't. Jahweh.
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Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:14 pm

Thanks David and Pet, I both liked how you approached Her in your own...

It's good to feel the balances from others. Really.

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Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:37 pm

Errrr yes liked the message and enjoyed your poem very much. Hope you don't really feel such anger inside it dose no good at all, Songs written for others to take and use as there own leaving you behind without a backward glance, but so what, is what I say your day will come when there's is done. The only thing I didn't like was the f... word , surely you could get your point across without it , my opinion only , your a poet and poets know more words than most ?
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Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:07 pm

Susan-Morris3 wrote: your a poet and poets know more words than most ?
Interestingly (I think), I'm not so sure. It's not so much the words you know, it's more how you use the words you do. Yes?
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Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:51 am

Liked this one Lovely. I suppose 'they' can be old forgotten melodic tunes / memory. That's my own way of interpreting this poem. I like the reference to Ra ( the Sun-God).

I took them out for dinner
shoved wine down their fucking throats
the best I bought in Paris
along with Higher notes!

- Loved this part the most.
Enjoyed. Thanks.
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Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:40 pm

Thanks aru I forgot all about this one you've just reminded me of her again.........nice one

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Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:59 pm

Aru, to make it straight I did not mean the poem about Ra 'n' love...just her...
who ripped me-off. I love Ra -----He Is Love, Light and Life......

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