Magic of Springwood

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Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:54 pm

Drenched in rhododendrons fire red blaze,
hidden beneath Salk's of bluebell haze,
seeped in ransom's heady scent tiny footprints
made in silk, this enchanted spot
that elves frequent. From under crimson hoods
pixies peep, and winsome squirrels lightly leap.
I see the place where fairies sleep.
Gentle breeze sways the trees, as sun crinkles
through a thousand leaves, flickers and scatters
dancing lights, entwined with greens, blues,
and whites. A glitterball of natures gown
filters down, on golden brown. Where roe deer
once trod, on sacred ground.
Where is this Oxeywoode, this dingle dell
this ancient fell.Where Ghostly hooves of magic-
beasts still cast their misty spell.
Through branches of tall trees I spy
roaring flames, in my minds eye, I feel
a tingling mystic chill, As I see before me,
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Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:49 am

Your finding yourself now it flows sweetly friend.

I liked this much and the way she flowed.

Your labour for images of beauty are having now these deep effects.

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Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:09 am

Lots of good images here, though I failed to figure out what an 'Oxeywoode' can be. Pardon me.

Gentle breeze sways the trees, as sun crinkles
through a thousand leaves, flickers and scatters
dancing lights, entwined with greens, blues,
and whites. A glitterball of natures gown
filters down, on golden brown. Where roe deer
once trod, on sacred ground.

I feel you can go for :

Gentle breeze sways the trees, as sun crinkles
through a thousand leaves. A glitterball of natures
gown filters down, on golden brown. Where roe deer
once trod, on sacred ground.
- Are you sure "crinkle" is the word here?

Wonderful write. Enjoyed.
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Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:03 am

Slightly more old-fashioned than I like, but this well-crafted Susan, well done. A few thoughts on your opening, some attempts to control the meter. Disregard as you wish, use what helps. Will come back to scan the rest later.



Drenched in rhododendrons fire red blaze,
hidden under Salk's of bluebell haze,
footprints seeped in ransom's heady scent
this enchanted spot that elves frequent.
From under crimson bonnets pixies peep,
and sprightly winsome squirrels lightly leap—
there I see the place where fairies sleep.
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Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:52 pm

Thank you to lovely for once again for taking a moment to leave a comment. arunasu, yes thanks for your advice on my poem I really appreciate your comments, and will be editing as soon as I get a moment. Springwood is a place in whalley Lancashire, and was called Oxeywoode before the name change.
Thank you Brian for your kind comment and thank you for the help with words, made alot of difference I look forward to hear what you have to say about the rest, kind of you to take the time.x :wink:
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Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:45 am

It's that flow which becomes us so ,eh?

(L) x
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