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Daft as it sounds

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:03 pm
by Danté
Daft as it sounds

A bottle nose dolphin
breaks through foaming
fairy-liquid bubbles
missing its silver foil cap
bottom lifted by trapped air.

I look again for the white
tell-tale it once contained
plunging a spiralling brush
before rinsing out the suds.

One final glug then inverted
to stand with mouth open
sparkling from rim to heel
ready to reunite with a choir.

Rattling crates, whirring motor
tune light morning air
for an open-topped chorus
while cows chew the cud
an occasional moo to be milked.


Re: Daft as it sounds

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:29 am
by arunansu
I don't know, but has it got something to do with boozing? :?: The last strophe made me think on these lines! You have taken me to an incredible tour from bottleneck dolphin, cleverly compared with a bottle ( I take it as a metaphor for the writing mind). I can be far away, but find this intriguing.
Thanks for the read.

Re: Daft as it sounds

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:30 am
by Lovely
Like your dolphin much and how it appears from bubbles. Magic.

Nice and easy flowing again, Dante. There is I feel sometimes a good and fair message in
your lovely works. Sometimes they are overlooked but then there is the poetical mystery
always to consider. Leaving one to ponder at times and think for the Self is good for
poetry as long as the meaning isn't lost in the lachrymose and tearful.

Your poetry always seems to stand strong for me---- an unforgiven power!

A Goya giant of the skies a parody descending upon us all. I feel at times this
is what I get from your works, Dante. Sense of Power then.....Metallica
and their "Unforgiven". What a song. What a poet to are you.

Any chance of (us) getting a ride on that dolphin's back, me and Robert Trujillo?


L x

Re: Daft as it sounds

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:49 am
by Jasper
It's daft alrighty, D
What has a blue nose, acts like a dolphin, and splashes around in a milk vat while cleaning it?

Answer... Dairy farmers do while cleaning it after the factory tanker has picked up the milk! The agitator (motor driven) whirs too!

You're off your head lol


Re: Daft as it sounds

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:34 pm
by Suzanne

Nice poem of modern rural life. You are so interesting.
Coming from a high milk producing region, I loved it.

Your creativity is amazing.

Thanks for the trip,

Re: Daft as it sounds

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:41 pm
by R Cox
I like the construction of the piece. Opening and closing with some lovely and amusing play, with the slap of reality within. Like a leisurely enjoyed sandwich.
Its nice to be reminded that poetry can be found in everything, regardless of how mundane.

Now I really fancy a glass of milk...

Re: Daft as it sounds

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:56 pm
by wabbit
Nice one, like it ... critisism dare i say your milking it :D ... ok Ill go away now