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Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:41 pm
by Lovely
Nations rise and fall
Rome has been and gone
windmills turn their spokes.

Wind wherever blows
dust it has no home.

Dancing atoms light up the third-eye
the mirror reflects opposite images of self.

Illusions turn our wheels.

What was High is low
space and time reels

in its line the wheel turns
its destination-------Love.

We come and go we rock 'n' roll,
we dance, we cry, we love,

illusions are our lot.

Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:33 am
by arunansu
This makes an excellent read, Lovely. Though there is a typo - "mirror" and not "mirrow" perhaps in S3L2. I enjoyed your choice of images.
"Dancing atoms light up the third-eye"
- Does it? Brilliant!

I only hoped such a nice piece might need a more thoughtful ending. But that maybe just me.

Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:56 am
by Lovely
Thanks for the thoughtful words Aru. Changed the typo just seen it. It's amazing how one can miss them at times.

According to ancient wisdom, the third-eye withdrew from use by its misuse for evil purposes when the black-arts
were prolific in ancient times (Atlantis)? we all heard of the saying "the evil eye" well I wonder if this is ancient memory
coming to the surface. Yes it can be opened again with effort it's like having an inner telescope but in ancient times
long gone it was used and abused for evil endings. Atlantis, is it myth? It had a sad ending. all things come
and go Nations rise and fall and people to. Turning cartwheels in space.

There are thousands of books on Atlantis around the world it would take (another incarnation) to read them all, some worthy
and some not. Some just pure fantasy and unbridled imagination.

I am only saying this as you asked about this third-eye.


Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:12 am
by arunansu
Thanks. I didn't think about Atlantis while I was reading your piece. Your explanation throws new light. Grand write.

Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:26 pm
by manfriday
This poem reminds me of the ideas carried in Ozymandias by Shelley, thought I think he writes about the inevitable disintegration of us all in such a way as to ridicule man's ego, whereas you are pointing to meaning derived from love right?

Anyway, I like the rhythm in the poem, though I think the first stanza might be more comfortable with a couple of commas? Just a though...

Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:17 pm
by Lovely
Thanks again Aru and manfriday.

Yea sometimes it needs a little explaining to make it more clear.

Manfriday yes I feel love is our destination in the End. That Higher Octave eventually found within us after all the wanderings as
it were.

Time and space are illusions and in a way only relative to our five bodily senses. Cartwheels are Minds turning in space and time.

Hope it helps you to understand the inner meaning of this work. Thanks for your thoughts and good comment.

"Illusions turn our wheels".


Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:01 pm
by gpierre
I loved this.

"the mirror reflects opposite images of self"

A light and delicate reverberation of how I'm feeling now.

I will reflect on this one.

Re: Cartwheels In Space

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:18 am
by Lovely
Thank you gpierre.