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Perspicacious Poster
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Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:02 am

( 3 Sevenlings )

I. Creator

He watches a rotund bud.
The sheath would open its eyes, soon.
He’d cradle a newborn world in his arms.

He smiles gently.
The fragrance of a creation
lingers around Him, like the whirr of busy bees.

He listens to approaching footsteps.


II. Rudra – the Destroyer

His brows, puckered.
Anger burns in Him like embers.
Flame-serpents hunt their victims.

Darkness, as inside a deep cave, rules His mind.
The mustachioed countenance
equips Him with unfathomable potency.

He aches to usher in an apocalypse.


III. The Preserver

He meditates.
Temple bells chime, without end.
An ivy keeps crawling towards Light.

Grand rocks owe their serenity to Him.
He protects shorelines from screaming waves,
soothes vagaries of human emotion.

And holds days and nights in delicate balance.


[ Written as an ode to the mighty 20ft stone sculpture in Elephanta caves, India. The sculpture is called “Trimurti”.

The Elephanta Caves are caves located on Elephanta Island in the Arabian Sea near Mumbai, India that contain Shaivistic high reliefs in stone of Hindu deities important to worshipers of Shiva. The sculptures were created beginning in the late Gupta Empire, or some time after, and at later dates. Elephanta Island was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 to preserve the artwork.

The most important sculpture is that of Trimurti Sadasiva, carved in relief at the end of the N-S axis. The image, 20 ft (6.1 m) in height is of the three headed-Shiva, representing Panchamukha Shiva.[5] The right half-face shows him as a young person with sensuous lips, embodying life and its vitality. In his hand he holds something that resembles a rose bud -- again with the promise of life and creativity. It is this face that is closest to that of Brahma, the creator or Uma or Vamadeva,the feminine side of Shiva.The left half-face face on the side is that of a young man. It is moustached, and displays anger. This is Shiva as Aghora Bhairava or Rudra, as the one whose anger can engulf the entire world in flames leaving only ashes behind. This is Shiva, the Destroyer. The central face, benign, meditative, as the preserver Vishnu. This is Shiva as the yogi -- Yogeshwar -- in deep meditation praying for the 'preservation' of humanity. ]
Perspicacious Poster
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Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:33 pm

Beautiful Aru.

I tremble before You. Love You.. always..........

The Your Imagination;
It is our (Gift) from Nature...........xxxxxxxxxxxx


Perspicacious Poster
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Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:25 pm

Thanks Lovely for the encouraging remarks. :)
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Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:18 pm

Found your poem soothing relaxing and calming very nicely worded liked the tone x
Perspicacious Poster
Perspicacious Poster
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Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:01 am

Thanks SUSAN-MORRIS for the reply. Smiles.
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