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Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:25 pm
by tool
There is a subject of such a twist
that the ears are just so keen to here,
the wind through the crags would sweep
in a serpentine course. Its vigor would
render you cold. And certain

muscles of a normal length, would under
normal dib and brace labor. Work all day.
But up here under excessive effort, the
cold percolate into your bones.’ under puffing strain

all is artificially heated through sheer effort.
As the hands exert a force on the fingers,
lifting the whole body till it is astride another foot hold,
getting the thickest part of the body to hold.

These twists of such discern has a presents
that the folks of the valley, would in the house
of drink see unfit even to instruct the enquirer
to think of know such think exists or lives,
the thought is consopiation.

The sun is of good constitution today but there’s no effort
to warm this corrupt place, even by friend the sun
is unable to over come its fright, what merchant,
under speaking proper terms that keep the folks

in such an animated quite, about this merchant
of mixture scandalous, that mid noon is so cold,
for legend has it unspotted not ever,
never seen, it creeps up behind you.

Climbing with good office and fixture
to the crag, to much of this type of labor
is an ill virtue on the heart, climbing has a
must to it, to conquer these brutal vertical crags’,
to the manifestation at the top.

Below the waves crash in such foulness
that its write its epitaph on the rocks,
climbing ever dare closer clinging with
every sinew, fingers grope the

infinitesimal balconies veiled by the eddying mist
that coveres the crags’’ fingers jostling with the
mist to get perches and profit once more by moving up the face.

One takes a cast over the shoulder into the
sea below 2miles straight down.
Two days muster have passed ,
but quenched as on the top one stands.

tool part one

Re: consopiation

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:31 pm
by brahms62
I found the title too mysterious and the poem seems to have quite a few grammatical errors in it too. It is long and did not really hold my interest; sorry;