Russet Tone
Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:41 pm
Second poem for the forum, hope you enjoy, tried something a bit different so fingers crossed
Dew gloss, wet shine,
The sober russet tones,
Of wilting past, no more new.
Cracking golds, and fading youth,
Burning bright colour, but even embers fade,
In time, time will have its way.
All things settle and slowly dance their bright beginnings away,
Until the russet tones alone remain,
Waiting for time to take,
And begin the devision of parts,
Yet here I will stay,
Amoungst the fading gold and russet tone,
With weary step upon these tiered feet,
And through the veil of cold,
Time will take skin from bone,
With all things once golden,
Faded now are these russet tones.
Dew gloss, wet shine,
The sober russet tones,
Of wilting past, no more new.
Cracking golds, and fading youth,
Burning bright colour, but even embers fade,
In time, time will have its way.
All things settle and slowly dance their bright beginnings away,
Until the russet tones alone remain,
Waiting for time to take,
And begin the devision of parts,
Yet here I will stay,
Amoungst the fading gold and russet tone,
With weary step upon these tiered feet,
And through the veil of cold,
Time will take skin from bone,
With all things once golden,
Faded now are these russet tones.