Oil....an analogy....stong language...

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Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:04 am

Was unsure whether to post in prose or poetry, quite long and in regional dialect. Hopeful
Y you get the idea..?


Initial negotiations.

Hey Mr, can ye len me a quid for a cup of tea? Aye, yer right
Yer no likely to see me again! So how could it be a len?
Cos Ah’d want to pay ye back. Ok, nae problem, was just havin the craic.
Sorry to keep ye, have a nice day. Ah’d really like to pay my way, but
Sometimes it’s just easier to learn to play the game.


See that prick over there? Aye, him, he didnae even have a spare
Quid the other day. Here’s us freezin, it’s like he’s teasin us cos
He’s got a few quid in the bank. What a wanker. Aye, that’s a Merc,
No even a cheap one. Me and you drive a wreck, when we can afford to.
And there’s him. He can afford to go where he wants, when he wants.
He disnae worry about the price of a cup of tea, no like you and me.
Aye, that’s what am sayin, too big for his boots. Aye, he’s got
Loads of loot. How do we no rob him?


How no, ya say? Listen, ah sit here every day and that wanker comes this way,
Disnae have a word to say to the likes of us. What? You think he works? Cunt
Sells drugs. Aye, ah know. Must think we’re mugs, lettin him away wi that. Sells
To bairns outside schools, maybe uses them as mules, to get the stuff in. Ya
Didnae know that? It’s clear as day, the only way he could get so rich. Aye,
Yer right, life is a bitch. Here’s folk like us, decent folk, wonderin how to earn
A crust. Sometimes life isnae just a bitch, it’s a fuckin joke. Na, ah don’t know
A this for sure, but ma mate told me he bought some pure Charlie off
Him just the other day. How would ah know if it wis pure? Ah don’t take drugs,
Am no loser. Long time since ah wis a user. Ah don’t do that any mair. Take ma
Word, he’s a player, we’d be doin the world a fuckin favour! We’ll take the lot
Every penny the fucker’s got

Peace keeping intervention.

You got the tools? He’s nobody’s fool this piece of shit. Aye, we’re gonna have
To hit him, and hit him hard. Aye, course he’s gonna be tooled up. You think
He’s gonna be empty handed? Hit him hard and dinae miss! It’ll be a piece
O piss. Aye, we’ll take his money and his drugs, teach him to take us for
Mugs. Aye, that’s a bairn’s seat in his car. Aye, I suppose he disnae park
Far from the school. Ach, now yer actin like a fool. Of course he disnae have
A kid, he sells his stuff outside the gates, it’s probably a hid in the seat. Stop
It or we’ll be too late. Sshh!! He’s comin down the street. Get him!!

Post conflict analyses

Aye, ah was just as surprised as you! You looked everywhere, ah did too.
A guy like him will have mair than one car, probably sells drugs near
And far to anyone wi money. Aye, ah thought it was funny too. He didnae even
Put up a fight! Still, he’s in the wrong and we’re in the right wi this one.
End of the day, we didnae have to catch him at it, we know what he’s about.
No, am no jist full o shit! He wis never gonna scream and shout. How no?
Think it through! He wisnae like me and you. He wouldnae have wanted the
Polis to come! Yer forgetting he wis drug dealin scum! Sold to teenage single
Mums, then at the end of the day, when they couldnae pay, he put them
On the game! Aye, ah ken, a fuckin shame. No, no, ah don’t know that to be
A fact, too clever to be caught in the act, wasn’t he. No so clever now, anyhow
Lyin in a pool o blood, got no money, got no car, let him learn to like the mud
In the ditch we left him in. A wins a win. Just remember, he was wrong, we are
Right! We didnae even want this fight. End of the day, it’s just a laugh. We made
Him pay. Want your half?
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Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:04 am

Quite deep. An insight into how the subculture inhabitants think and reason. Quite a disturbing piece and topical.
Productive Poster
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Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:16 pm

Thanks. I sometimes think street level operates at the same level as international business, and the stakes can be the same, but on a much greater scale...
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Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:23 pm

I like the meat of it, G - good strong stuff - but I don't think the oil industry analogy helps or is even necessary. Concentrate on the voice. There's enough there without going for the geopolitical dimension.


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Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:04 pm

Thanks very much for your comments, I felt, at the time, the oil/imperialism/whatever you wish to call it analogy was necessary because the issue was very prevelant in my mind at that time. I wanted to write about how countries are suckered into joining forces under false pretences for mineral rights without writing an overtly political piece. I don't think this issue has gone away...yet...but, point taken. Political/protest stuff like I have posted is not always to everyone's tatse...again, thank you for taking the time both to read, and comment...gbn
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