Your Touch

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Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:34 am

Your Touch

You touch and I’m left dangling on a string with heart expanding
and I do believe no angling will relieve me of its load for now I’m
captured, snared and raptured by sensations manufactured on a
countdown to a fracture bursting to explode.

Out blast those tingling impacts riding nerves to every synapse
telling knees and legs they might collapse upon this flattened
floor. I’m drenched in breathless breathing that now blinds my
heart perceiving why my lungs and mouth are grieving since
there’s oxygen no more

‘cause your aroma sends me reeling with hypnotic smell careening
into muscle, flesh and bone at rates which can’t be charted
and I would spend forever basking in your breath with everlasting
hope you’d never end my gasping only just now started.

And from this magic moment transfixed, I will find your image
did fix in my mind when Time does insist I have reached my end.
I’ll walk Eternity without the stumbling on legs and feet made
whole from crumbling ‘cause thoughts of you will brace my
tumbling down that breakless bend.

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Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:48 pm

Hello Namyh, obviously someone has inspired you to produce a really intense work. The strong ryhthm of the poem demands emphasis on the rhymed words so it reads like a rap. Is that your intention?
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Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:14 pm

Rossdalglish – No rap was intended for this one. I had asked a very special someone to just touch my hand to see if I could translate the experience of a single touch into words which would resonate in the reader. Before I knew it, those poetic triplets began invading the writing and I was launched down a path of Eternity at the breakneck speed of love. Whoa! I mean Whew! OK, both. I love writing like that and I'm so very happy you found that ‘intensity’ here. Makes a poet proud. Namyh
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Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:09 pm

Really intense piece, especially since it came from someone touching only the hand.
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Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:13 pm

Mayflower - I'm often intrigued how we poets get our inspirations from places, events and people we least expect. We poets are sponges and soak it up then wring in out in poetry. Poets! Go figure! Makes a poet proud that the Mayflower sailed over this way and landed. Thanks M. Namyh
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Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:27 pm

Great stuff! Hope it's not unrequited. x
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Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:29 am

Katherine- It's definitely 'requited'' and great stuff too. Hope this puts a smile in your day. Love your name. Haven't heard it in a very long time and thanks for enjoying. Namyh
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