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Sun May 21, 2006 3:24 pm

A melancholy smile on my face, you paint
Vivid portraits of your teenage love, fear and hate.
And your latin lament
And your jangling guitars,
Take me South,
To a land long disappeared
The protests and cafe's and the Junta you feared
High pitched you sing, innocent despite
The fight; the Red Corner flagging,
Uncle Sam cheering, your parents sneering,
And Che still clinging.
Today you are suffering,
But you know it,
At least you know,
And you dream of a better day.

It never came. I blame you, myself, and them.
"All Leaves Belong To The Wind", you sing,
It plays with my heart like you play the tune,
So I must know what you know, but I don't know a thing,
I can't remember what I've not seen, and maybe that's why
It brings would-be nostalgic nostalgic tears to my eye.
"Wait for me," you plead,
"I've gone to find life, I won't be gone long"
I smile, but tonight I'll be haunted.
Did you find what you wanted my friend?
Or did the bailiffs and saviours and vultures
Get you in the end?
Are you still there, a shell of yourself?
Do you look out and cry, or simply wonder
Why? I'm sure you found a way to cope,
But then, when you thought you had left it in your past
The "Voice Of God" makes you start.
You accepted the real world, but the dream rang true,
And I know that in your heart you knew.
I think back, I imagine, how you were,
How she was, could she ever have imagined
Could you? What would become of
It her, you are a foreigner now,
But for her it's ok because she left, but you stayed
And it's easier to leave home than to watch it leave you.
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Sun May 21, 2006 4:15 pm

Loved this child_. My favourite lines were,
"It plays with my heart like you play the tune"
"You accepted the real world, but the dream rang true"
and the last one of course.....that was so good it made me feel tipsy.
Brilliant read - thankyou.
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Sun May 21, 2006 9:35 pm

I confess that I don't think I followed the sense of this all the way through - that could just be me, but you might also like to read it through again without your insider's knowledge - but I enjoyed it very much.

It's quite long, but you handle the movement confidently, and all the way through there were lines that made me go "Oh, I like that."

The last one in particular, I agree, is a good one. It somehow seems like something that must have been said before, but I can't place it. (I think I've seen something like it in an earlier PG posting. Any bells, anyone?)

By the way, "All leaves belong to the wind", as a phrase, is google-proof. Where does that come from?

A good one. Well done.


P.S. I can't imagine Chas and Dave singing it, and that's meant as a compliment too.
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Mon May 22, 2006 6:40 pm

Like David, I don't claim to follow the whole poem, but I like it.
I was struck by "the red corner flagging" (it didn't hurt though),
and also the exit line.

David, you were googling in the wrong language.
Apparently it's "todas las hojas son del viento" .

Nice one
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Mon May 22, 2006 9:05 pm

Nice one you Geoff, if you worked that one out you pretty much got the gist of the poem.

Let me explain anyway, I'm glad people are interested, the reason I didn't try and explain more is because I didn't expect anyone to want to know.

Thing is, I was listening to some 1970's Argentinian rock music, my mum's old records, and this song is just my response to the singers, and the people of that generation in general, who have seen such a decline in their soceity.
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