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Just for you

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:07 pm
by Dalena
Just for you

Gasping fish loses its head
as wasabi prickles the
back of my nose.

Cuban cigar, my eyes water
through an alcohol
dream-ache view.

You take my hand to drag
me through cacophony
nightscape sounds.

Bosendorfe tones sharpen
my awareness honed
in a spinning room.

I caress the rather phallic
microphone; and sing
like an angel….


Re: Just for you

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:24 pm
by oddball
I must say I find the last verse delightful. :lol: My only trouble is the verse before it. I often find my senses dulled by alcohol instead of honed, and that any noise has to be piercing to get through my muddled head. Meh, that could just be me, though.

Thanks for posting. :)

Re: Just for you

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:02 am
by arunansu
I'm finding S1 a bit difficult to relate with the rest of the piece. :?: I liked the sounds "wasabi","dream-ache view", etc. And the last strophe was very well put! :wink:

Re: Just for you

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:41 pm
by Ayeshyy
After reading the whole poem through, I suddenly understood it, and reading it again I could fully understand the description. The lines 'dream-ache view.' and 'through cacophony nightscape sounds.' were my two favourites. No actual critisism on this poem to be honest.