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Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:30 am
by Dalena
Fake orgasm

My fictitious smile
seems to placate him,
for the time being.

I painted it on
while powdering
my nose; how ridiculous.

I’m going to bite
off his cock, and throw it
out, onto the frosty path.

Perhaps a blackbird
will appreciate his morsel;
it did nothing for me.

Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:41 pm
by BenJohnson
Perhaps a blackbird
will appreciate his morsel;
it did nothing for me.
Very biting (no pun intended), well put.

Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:51 pm
by Leigh
Whoa (stop a horse) there, how vicious you are Delena, as a man I'm rather scared to cmment on this one. It is very good though, very funny; in a terrorising kind of way. It reminds of that American chick who cut of her husbands 'morsel' with scissors because he kept cheating on her. I'm curious, Is this a long term patrner or a breif encounter, or is it not actually real. I suppose it must be real, all women having faked it at some time or another ('obviously' apart from any women I've been with). It may interst you to know, If you didn't all ready, that men fake orgasms as well, though this can only be pulled of when sheathed in a prophylactic; the bsence of any resultant fluid being a dead give away.

I am surpised there havn't been any other ladies on here agreeing with this course of action, instead you have two comments by men.

Again, I loved it, really good fun, you Minx!!


Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:19 pm
by karalma
Hi Dalena

This made me laugh but i wasn't quite sure I should as it also seemed to have a sinister side to it. Maybe being female helped me see the humour more than the men could. It did seem a little drastic mind - made me wonder if "it did nothing for me" was the only crime or was there soemthing more going on here.


Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:31 pm
by mesmie
My fictitious smile
seems to placate him,
for the time being.

hmmm couldn't you just talk things out first (then bite it off, if things don't work?) :D (or you could suggest an extension eeek!)

All joking aside Dalena this had the laugh/cringe effect on me..good write. I like the use of fictitious smile
a sad/angry moment captured.


Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:48 am
by westonalan
Hi Dalena,

Even at my age, this made me smile! When you consider that the majority of women fail to have an orgasm when having sex, there must be many women who feel like you!
Disposing of his morsel for the birds wouldn't solve your problem though!
Never heard it being called a "morsel" before!

Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:09 pm
by arunansu
"Perhaps a blackbird
will appreciate his morsel"
- How sad! And how mean u are! :lol:

Enjoyed your "fictitious smile"! See, even you were putting on a "fake" smile!

Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:46 pm
by juliadebeauvoir
I'm a woman and I even find this scary! :shock:

Her name was Lorena Bobbit--he was not only cheating on her but beating her. He was sleeping at the time--sure he woke up very quickly. She says that she doesn't remember it but that she ran to her car, drove crazy and then threw it in the ditch somewhere. The police went searching for the dismembered member. Can you imagine the officer that found it? Kind of like an easter egg hunt. They sewed it back on and of date he is still using it--probably with a fictitious grin on his face...
I painted it on
while powdering
my nose; how ridiculous
Ok...while it was happening or after?
Perhaps a blackbird
will appreciate his morsel;
it did nothing for me.
Size obviously matters... :wink:

All kidding aside--I think you need to flesh this out a bit--its not that its short (no pun intended) but that it lacks substance. Give a little more than shock value--create a little more interest.


Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:42 am
by Lovely
A different sex, you just might be an angel. Sexless, but beautiful.


Re: Fake Orgasm

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:53 pm
by gpierre

I feel I can add no more than has already been said.

Interesting read, enjoyed it; if a bit bitter.