Cell of Peace

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Productive Poster
Productive Poster
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Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:37 pm

Cell of Peace

I awake to shouts and calls
I remember today’s anniversary.
But with this birthday comes horror
As I look around, forlorn.

Bare walls, a sink and a toilet
Are all that are in view today
I close my eyes and try to remember
How I came to be here this day.

I remember songs, drinks and food
I remember my first adult celebration
But then I remember at closing time
Being told to leave .

Dad gone and mam moved on, sisters busy with their families
Nobody wanted me to spoil their home.
They knew I’d be drunk and would shout, hit and swear
They wanted peace at home; they didn’t want me there.

But peace was what I wanted too
They’d found their peace by getting rid of me
But how could I be rid of me?
I thought of how this birthday should be.

I would have woken up alone
So perhaps this is better.
At least there are people here
To call and check on me.

I thought of last year and the one before that.
There were gifts, cake and company
Blood, screams and misery.
Perhaps this is better.

As I look up through the cell window
I see a twinkling sun
And feel a little glow of peace
Perhaps this year will be better.

If this year can improve
Perhaps next year will do too
And maybe one day, in years to come
I will have peace at home like you.
Perspicacious Poster
Perspicacious Poster
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Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:35 am

Liked the read. Though I wondered why the N was "asked to leave" and why the speaker is living in seclusion, but then, who isn't secluded?
Enjoyed the thoughts. Beautiful.
Perspicacious Poster
Perspicacious Poster
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Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:02 pm

Beautiful.xxxxxx I never got bored, simply sweet always.

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