Violet lagoon

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Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:57 pm


This ones called 'Violet lagoon'

Now I’m gone you shouldn’t worry,
For I’m in a place with the ocean rose.
If you feel any pain in my absence,
Let it pass on the wind that flows.

When I was alive I always wanted to escape,
Up and away and into the sky.
But I couldn’t find a way of getting there,
As I hadn’t the ability to fly.

Now I’m in a place where gravity is dead,
I’m past the moon and into the stars.
A place where the beautiful ocean rose,
Has gently healed all my scars.

I’m in a body that’s ever so light,
Flying with love is how it feels.
Only to land to rest my feet in the water,
Smelling the rose that only heals.

I’m in a place that’s made of dreams,
Into the sky and past the moon.
The wonderful place where you’ll find that rose,
The simply tranquil violet lagoon.

I’m up in the sky on one of those stars,
In the lagoon which know body knows.
Where the love is nothing but pure,
That place where that beauty grows.

When you are lonely and want to see me,
Look to the sky and look for the signs.
The ocean wind will direct you to me,
Look to the sky for the star that shines.

If I don’t shine then don’t have doubt,
Just listen to my voice on the wind that blows.
You needn’t worry about my safety,
For I’m with the gentle ocean rose.

Prolific Poster
Prolific Poster
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Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:21 pm

Steve!!! I like it a lot.
It has a meter that I myself like to use, so I really liked it's rhythm.
You managed to maintain it without letting it drag you off course,well done.
Some really beautiful lines in there also, it seems a heart -felt write to me.
I noticed you have a capital at each line start, your word processor settings need adjusting.

I enjoyed these most:

Now I’m in a place where gravity is dead,

The simply tranquil violet lagoon

Thanks for the read.

Poems everybody...poems.. the laddie fancies himself a poet!..Pink Floyd-The wall.
Perspicacious Poster
Perspicacious Poster
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Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:33 pm

Wow man you have love here.

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