Jhonny Flaymz and Jadah Queen (Dada)

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Prolific Poster
Prolific Poster
Posts: 250
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:18 pm

Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:07 pm

An exercise in phonics and a stolen dialect:


Jhonny Flaymz wuz tha mos’ baddass rocah
in da sevun sounze districk dountoun dadda.

Cum bak to da flatt wun nycht hardon
mynd trubbled extreeme ubout Jadah Queen,

hiz wunce apon uh mattress 2 tymer crunsh.
Jadah plejj ta him fuh lyfe ez wee no it,

Las’ Sadidee night Jhonny seez her wid Maxee
leed gittah fuh da Slyme, dey wuz smokin hot’

Ain’ nada dowt bout da drowt in da mindah
Jhonny, hee rokit bak a da slumphowz plugg in

hiz TelBelShookah ta 12 prowceed ta bloothah
da arreuh five milz uhroun. Toot hevvy leed

musheen gunn evvree ting baloww en site.
Bluddy Rojah pluggtin an cummenz a wail

Bakun upp Jhonny wid a riddym feeel fuh reel.
Jadah prowll da skitterd flor widder spyke bootz

lookinta Jhonny witda doodrawp ize, lipz inna kyss
knobuddy culd miss. Jhonny an Bluddy tuk cupple

nochahz up on da dile furduh brakin barrierz on da way,
En dey bowth wavd gubeye, stokin' dere sounz in da skie.
Posts: 12281
Joined: Tue May 10, 2005 10:29 am

Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:20 am

Vastly entertaining. My foot was tapping!


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