Guidelines/Rules. Please read before posting.

Please read the rules before you post.
Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 2162
Joined: Thu May 27, 2004 6:45 pm
antispam: no
Location: Norfolk 'n' Good

Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:33 am

Welcome to the Poets' Graves Forum; we are pleased that you chose this site. This is intended to be a friendly and constructive community and we hope that you will abide by the following guidelines/rules.

1. Review at least 2 other poems before submitting your own. Here are some tips on how to critique poetry:
2. Show respect to fellow members, moderators and the admin team.
3. Refrain from abusive/sexist/rascist language.
4. Please do not use this site to plug your own websites/books/publications etc.
5. Anyone attempting to spam or send multiple private messages to PG members will be banned immediately. (NB New members will only have their Private Message facility activated once they have demonstrated that they are genuine contributors.)
6. You may use your own avatar but it must not be animated and should be restricted to 80x80. See post viewtopic.php?t=2527
7. Please do not post in bold text, extra large text, coloured text or in all caps.
8. Please do not post other writer's work.
9. Please do not be deliberately argumentative.
10. Please do not post using text language.
11. Please check your spelling and punctuation carefully before posting.
12. If you are not able to accept constructive criticism, please search for an alternative site.
13. Please read the specific Post-a-Poem rules relating to either the "Experienced" section or "Beginners" section before you post any poetry.
14. If you have any problems please contact the admin team or one of the moderators:

Admin = Cameron and Nicola
Mods = camus, Ros, Sharra, Elphin, brianedwards, David.


Cameron and Nicola