In Retrospect

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Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:23 am


In Retrospect

A shallow rift,
unbroken feet,
a duller sound, and water.

Allow me this.

For I am overjoyed,
bled and crouched, fetal,
having rode the crest
of a wave
into a mouth
of weakened glass.

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Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:47 am

Hi Rome,

This short poem held my interest but didn't really communicate meaning to me. I like the title, but find it a little odd that the poem's title promises a look back but is followed by a poem in the present tense.

In S1, I was not sure that the comparative of "duller" made sense. Duller than?

"Allow me this" is interesting set off by itself and gives a nice pause before the final stanza.

I found the grammar of S3 a little awkward, but that would not be so bad perhaps if I had been able to get a clear image from the poem. Maybe "bleeding"?

I look forward to reading more of your poems here.


In Retrospect
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