The circus tent billows in the wind
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:22 am
The procession halts
in a fanfare of blazing trumpets,
a cough of rolling drums.
Sudden silence!
Let me introduce my friends:
step up and say hello!
Gene is acrobatic:
he scurries in and out of locked rooms,
but has never yet been caught.
Anne is temperamental,
which means what it says,
mental with a temper.
I shall chew the leafy drug,
remove but some of my clothes,
and sing the song of loneliness.
Outside there is the rain
which runs along the road.
My words are all in vain,
they stumble out in code.
Turn back time forever,
no longer let it run.
This, then, this endeavour,
halts. Here am I done.
in a fanfare of blazing trumpets,
a cough of rolling drums.
Sudden silence!
Let me introduce my friends:
step up and say hello!
Gene is acrobatic:
he scurries in and out of locked rooms,
but has never yet been caught.
Anne is temperamental,
which means what it says,
mental with a temper.
I shall chew the leafy drug,
remove but some of my clothes,
and sing the song of loneliness.
Outside there is the rain
which runs along the road.
My words are all in vain,
they stumble out in code.
Turn back time forever,
no longer let it run.
This, then, this endeavour,
halts. Here am I done.