Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:52 pm
Few things fascinate a child
more than brazen pretence,
and when we disregard the truth,
slurping absent tea
or declaring a reddened thumb a nose,
the laws they’ve learned have failed.
Somehow, we’re preparing them
to hone the art of mistrust,
teaching them deceptive truths;
or maybe jaded parents need
a court of make-believe
to be children, for a while, themselves.
Hi, all. Is the theme pretty clear? Is the poem/theme underdeveloped? And is the ending too sudden? Thanks
more than brazen pretence,
and when we disregard the truth,
slurping absent tea
or declaring a reddened thumb a nose,
the laws they’ve learned have failed.
Somehow, we’re preparing them
to hone the art of mistrust,
teaching them deceptive truths;
or maybe jaded parents need
a court of make-believe
to be children, for a while, themselves.
Hi, all. Is the theme pretty clear? Is the poem/theme underdeveloped? And is the ending too sudden? Thanks