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Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:47 pm
by spencer_broughton
grinning, skeleton, sinew
fingernails, yellow teeth enamel
no spirit, no feelings
no guilt
free to sleep at night
wake up but want to dream
mourning light glare
pale white skin shimmering bloodless
no shaking just a routine
work rest play, eat flesh

so i wake up, soul intact
and it was all just a dream
just before the alarm goes off
forty-five minutes then i'll leave
wait for tomorrow
safe in recurrence

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:55 pm
by spencer_broughton
i'm going off this one a bit now...

let me know what you think

thankyou :)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 7:51 am
by camus

Now do not think I'm having a go re cliches, but:

"and it was all just a dream"

Dallas madness. Perhaps this could be worded differently, or disreguard the it was a dream theme altogether.

That aside I like some of your imagery, excellent final lines, "Safe in recurrence"

Here's one I wrote on a similar theme, check out the final line..........we're on the same wave length.

by the hour
you turn inward

lost shoe
limp home
ashtray clothes
cinderella blues.

streets like the
tunnelled vision
axe round the corner?
Johnny’s home.

awake on doorstep
check pulse and head
both there,
so cold and quiet
afraid to break the night.

master chef
corned beef and kidney beans
all that’s left,
starving slope to bed.

dream mistakes
alarm clock
for front door bell
turn both off
pull up the quilt

wait for tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:55 pm
by Bombadil

I like the imagery, and I glean almost a zombie feel from this one. Very macabre and vivid. I think, perhaps, to go with the skeletal/bony theme it would enhance your poem, visually, if the lines were more broken up and unevenly staggered. Sort of a William Carlos Williams "The Red Wheelbarrow" thing, where the lines take the shape of little wheelbarrows...I'll quote it and hopefully the copyright kings won't come to seize me.

The Red Wheelbarrow, William Carlos Williams

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Oh and your Cinderella blues.
