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Sad You're Gone

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:47 am
by desiderata
When the mists rise
And the spring comes again
I shall still be
Sad you’re gone

The city will mourn
Your absence like
A dead baby
Losing weight

Turning the corner
It is not your face I shall see
But someone else’s
Shining, hopeful
But not you and therefore
Grey, empty

When you rest your head
Against my breast
Like a tired warrior
I know it is I who must
Do battle bravely
Just for you

The dawn breaks
Alone I am always
With you stroking the peals
Of your little nervous laugh
Your hands-in-pockets defiance
Your every move I watch as a cat on a wall
Waits for the sun; I wait for yours to fall away
Leaving me in the light
Hungry, fearless,
Drinking the day
Sucking at solitude

Sad you’re gone

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:28 pm
by RedStone
I've read afew poems but they didn't really interest me just seem to ramble on about nothing important then i got to yours and it kept my mind happy seemed you impressed it with your wordplay good write

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:53 pm
by desiderata
Thank you. it keeps my mind busy to write but being read is a relatively new pleasure for me.
Des :)