Compared to a fool

This is a serious poetry forum not a "love-in". Post here for more detailed, constructive criticism.
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Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:22 pm

Compared to a fool, the king of fools
who thinks not of what he has done
but what he has yet to do.
love has fondled me amongst my thoughts
and poisoned my very lips, an tender kiss
believing it to be yours oh forgive my foolishness.

Charms died beneath the achings of my heart
rebirthing it to it's rightful ways, no lies be told.
all but dreams dripping from fingertips
dipped into the ink of scribbings
the written verses of my love for you.
Still the pages are blank like my empty mind
i wished i'd taken more note of thoughts
instead of living in fantasies that life longs to be
oh let my soul remember the breaths that bring the words.

Ah there she goes upon the clouds into the night
but a distant star in the arms of a jealous moon
why should my eyes be denied such beautiful sights
let me see what lust has no part in seeing beyond the heart!.
She falls amongst the hungry hands of all
pray it's not to late to take her prize in love
still if not whole when she laid within my arms
i'd still care to her wounds as she would tame my charm.
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Perspicacious Poster
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Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:15 am

Hi Redstone,

Welcome to the forum.

"I've read a few poems but they didn't really interest me just seem to ramble on about nothing important"

What do you consider important? Love in its many guises?

Love poetry is all well and good, should it shed some new light, shine a new perspective on an age old subject, unfortunately I didn't see anything shining in your poem.

Well constructed, and flowed well, but nothing original. I look forward to seeing more of your work, so you can prove me wrong.

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