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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:58 am
by thefallofRome


What did you say?
"I'd like you to kiss my
lick it and love it in that lavish way
you do."

So I did.
Eventually I came up to breathe with
lips stained wet with the sheen
or redbrick
colored rust.

Young blood-- metallic,

orgasmic, and agonizing.
I drank it up, reducing myself
as I arranged my form
the anatomy of our mistake.


Re: Price

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:41 pm
by Merlin
You may as well call this ¨Blow Job¨ :mrgreen:

The imagery was OK….(would be wouldn’t it) :shock:

The first stanza is a good intro…second stanza…..interesting…..3rd stanza – well – predictable really…particularly the phrase..

the anatomy of our mistake.

Well worn phrase…….sounding like something from a Kylie Minogue number…

Thanks for sharing…

PS: There's a spelling eror, too....or....

Re: Price

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:09 pm
by beautifulloser
Haha! Not much left to interpretation - although the title is a little intriguing, I wont ask . . . . . .

I'm not sure I want to go into it any further, some of the turns of phrase are apt though! :D

Re: Price

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:52 pm
by David
Just when it seems it couldn't be more obvious, you throw in an intriguing last line - the anatomy of our mistake - there's a puzzler.

Probably the sheen / of redbrick / colored rust? Redbrick itself is an interesting near homonym.

Despatches from the frontier of youth ... you're very good at them, but they make feel very old. Not your fault. I am very old.

