Un-natural Evil

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Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:56 am

A poppy flower is one of nature's creations,
Yet the spawn immense evil.

One natural women can give birth to one natural child,
Yet that child could un-naturaly murder thousands.

A world leader can protect thousands of lives,
Yet not there own.

This may be nature warning us of something,

Something that far greater minds have tried to work out before me,
And greater minds will here in after,

But something is lurking,

An un-natural evil, that will destroy entire nations and continents,

But yet ironically not, our natural desire to live.
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Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:12 pm

Ou natural instinct is to extend the species. What happens after that is a crap shoot.
"Poetry's unnat'ral; no man ever talked poetry 'cept a beadle on boxin' day, or Warren's blackin' or Rowland's oil, or some o' them low fellows; never you let yourself down to talk poetry, my boy." C. Dickens
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Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:52 pm


Hmmm...what I know of good and evil is marginal, but it seems to me that neither is ever unnatural. The Taoist sense of balance came to mind whilst reading this piece. Great evils are countered by great goods.

Maybe that's what you were getting at here. I'm slow on Mondays.

Looking forward to more.

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Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:30 pm

Hmm...guess I'm too much of a moralist. Seems to me the natural instinct to extend the species only works until some Hitler or Attila comes along to take us back seven steps.
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Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:40 pm

This is why many Chinese believe that the status quo is not to be fucked with, if you never do too well or too poorly, then no drastic counter balance is required. Do too well and the gods become jealous and raise a Dragon to strike you down...and why do poorly on purpose?

Not that I'm trying to justify away Hitler or Attila, although at least the Hun was just plain out and out mean, whereas Hitler was more a devious self-hating coward.
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Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:55 pm

Ironically I think Hitler would find the suggestion that he was just some god's pawn for universal balance more insulting that the usual insults he recieved.
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Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:01 pm

Happy to insult him, then. Even posthumuously.
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Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:22 am

Poppies don't really spawn immense evil. Rather they are manipulated. Conditioning. Probably applied to Adolph as well.
Last edited by Sandbanx on Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Poetry's unnat'ral; no man ever talked poetry 'cept a beadle on boxin' day, or Warren's blackin' or Rowland's oil, or some o' them low fellows; never you let yourself down to talk poetry, my boy." C. Dickens
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Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:28 am

Indeed, to find something wholly evil is as rare as to find something wholly good. Even impossibly so.
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Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:34 am

Assuming the world has always been as we see now...I agree with you.
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Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:19 pm

If you would have a thing shrink,
You must first stretch it;
If you would have a thing weakened,
You must first strengthen it;
If you would have a thing laid aside,
You must first set it up;
If you would take from a thing,
You must first give to it.

Tao Te Ching XXXVI Book One

Inscrutable or what?

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Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:25 pm

The resident Taoist has spoken...

I love the Tao Te Ching.
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