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Election Fever

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:50 pm
by dedalus

When I was a little kid in school
I figured out the Golden Rule
for a happy normal life:
don't get involved with ambitious people.
They are miserable.
They want you to be miserable too.
Wasted years leave little time to rue
the wear and tear, the stress and strife,
the syncopation, the sheer agitation,
on the long rocky road to the cold white room,
to the final silence of the tomb.

So what do I think?
I think freedom means just what it says.
'Live free or die' is not just a license plate
glimpsed when driving from state to state,
(I confess it gave me a sharp little tingle
when first seen in rural New Hampshire)
and too many politicians stink.
That's what I think.
Let them live in their world of 'ayes' and 'nays'
and thread their way through the murky maze.
They promise change, but their smiles are strange,
and what do we see when their words abate?
They offer damn little, and it comes too late.

The people you see on TV
are not the real heroes of democracy.
The people who make everything work
wear shabby suits, worry about bills,
don't take holidays in the Tuscan hills.
These are the councillors, lowest of the low,
and on many a rainy chilly night
they gather in bare unheated rooms
and keep the system on the go.
Without such people, lights out, and 'Taps',
whole bloody countries would collapse.

O man, O man, O man
listen to what language cannot say!
In the antediluvian, incorrect past,
(at this distance, endearingly innocent)
colours were nailed hard to the mast;
we heard about Wops and Kikes and Spicks,
squarehead Krauts and simian Micks.
In these modern and more cautious times
we have our cheese-eating surrender monkeys
and brown-nose Washington Beltway flunkies,
and bigger and better political crimes!

Care for some freedom fries?

The real theory-to-action in politics
happens in dreary committee meetings.
So you can forget the banners and flags,
the TV lights, the glitzy conventions,
the debates, half-truths, and circumventions.
That's a total blind, all mirrors and smoke:
the hard work's done by anonymous folk.

Re: Election Fever

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:41 am
by camus

I'm at odds with this one.

Whilst I agree the decisions are made at ground level, I don't agree with your heroic councillor stance.

In my dealings, I've found them to be (on the whole) careerist tossers, rising from well established business backgrounds, to lord their pitiful manifestos on the unsuspecting public.

You paint a picture of a 70's 3 day week:

and on many a rainy chilly night
they gather in bare unheated rooms
and keep the system on the go.

I don't think so, move on sir.

"These are the councillors, lowest of the low" that I do agree with (on the whole)

I often enjoy your political interludes, your Irish stuff especially, I think you missed the mark on this one though, the writing seems very naive.


Re: Election Fever

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:39 am
by beautifulloser

I agree with Kris, on the whole. It's difficult to get this kind of stuff right, so I applaud the effort and I do agree in large chunks with it cerebrally. Not sure I'd read it for poetry's sake, though.

There's "backroom superstars" all over the show, you know? Cool dudes though man, not some politician's butt-fucking meritocratic slave. Dudes like Dozier and Holland or "The Corporation" - check out the soundtrak to Death Proof, full of backroom superstars my man. It's the thing with us humans, exploiting one another and all.

In fairness, I cannot think of any kind of rhetoric this sort of stuff suits other than comedy, really. Inherently this sort of stuff has a "tell" sort of vibe about it.

However! There are some good lines:

When I was a little kid in school
I figured out the Golden Rule
for a happy normal life:
don't get involved with ambitious people.
They are miserable.

Great opener, I thought. The title sort of puts you off though, too.

Not that they're cliche as such, but a few lines stick out:

Let them live in their world of 'ayes' and 'nays'
and thread their way through the murky maze. - is the sort of stuff I come out with, and you don't want to be down here, shovelling shit with me.

Without such people, lights out, and 'Taps',
whole bloody countries would collapse. - Could easily be re-prhased:

without indoctrinated twats, striking
with beards and berets
home-made placards, mocking
existence whilst stoking Maggie's brutal couldron,
paving generations of teenage hedonists,
the likes of which, civillisation wished
a material bliss for all the deaths
some leader ordered on opium

Got Jackie by Scott Walker in my head now!

Anyway, this is what it does to me. Brow dipped though, for having a go - and Ded, just fuck them all, fuck every single one of them and their oratorical beautifications. Do it quite harshly and not necessarily verbally. I'll be with you in spirit, my man.

Love n hugs


Re: Election Fever

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:54 am
by Merlin
Hi Ded, just a couple of points of view, if you don't mind... I don't like critting in the lounge, coz your all giants here - but hell - got to have a go...

Hard subject to write about, to be honest, I can agree with most of what the poem seems to be saying....but if it wasn't for the GREAT RHYME , I would have been very bored reading it...

I always think, with these political writes, you either lambast em, or satirize em....and I dont think you have done either...

No doubt, you will make some changes, will look forward to it if you do.... :arrow:

Re: Election Fever

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:24 am
by dedalus
Fair do's, lads ... this took all of 10-15 mins. to write and a bit longer to find the picture. You can pile in and give it a few more kicks if you like ... Jayz, the bastard's still breathing! :twisted: :roll:

I was thinking of the Obama-Clinton Roadshow more than anything else, and managed to have some fun with the rhymes along the way. I don't agree about the self-serving fatuity of councillors and the low-level political folk who actually go to the bother of campaigning and getting elected. It's not all a total con. I've been there myself although this happened within a sort of teachers union of 2200-2500 members and not the "public" arena. I had a short italicized stanza about that but cut it from the piece before posting, since it sounded a bit OTT. Here they are now, why not?
(I was a politician, once in a way,
driven to the job by desperation,
not by choice, not by vocation;
I ran in a series of local elections,
which I lost at first, then finally won,
I put up with the usual lies and defections,
then walked away when the job was done.)

People who go in for elected office are not all tossers (many are), and do so for a variety of reasons -- anger not being the least of them!

Anyway, not a major investment on this one ... but no hesitation either about dashing off 'top of the head' lines every now and then. Ah well, back to the less naive 8) stuff, I suppose ....


Re: Election Fever

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:41 am
by Binz
something positive; naive means it's accessible. Leaving the subject matter aside, it does have a natural flow and rythm which make it easy to read, although some bits were like rocks in the stream (e.g. (I confess it gave me a sharp little tingle when first seen in rural New Hampshire) just gets in the way).

bl, I like your accidental poem:
There's "backroom superstars" all over the show,
you know?
Cool dudes though man,
not some politician's butt-fucking meritocratic slave.
Dudes like Dozier and Holland
