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Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:03 pm
by clion
Overture To A Lady

When a body gets to your age,
It’s surely not a lark,
for then you are heading rapidly
to the seven zero mark.

Your ample bosom swells with pride
with thoughts of what’s achieved,
there are exceptions though in small things
that would leave anyone aggrieved.

Badminton is like a ballet
but immobile, you never shift.
I would like to give you a hefty push
but am afraid to cause a rift.

For knowledge of things administrative,
you are an ever flowing font
but you irritate me so in playing
by coyly saying, “I only do the front.”

The game as played by your good self
is the choreography of a sap
and your table tennis, spinless shots
are absolutely pap.

But you are never too unkindly
I like-ish you in a way
and I appreciate those opportunities
when we don’t get time to play.