Bits, Bites and Terrabytes
In my life are bits, the singularities and plurals
that aggravate like flies, that stick like burrs
that agglomerate like fur balls in my brain
Chromosomes blended from the contributions
of my father and my mother, people I could blame
for my many manias, i b s and dismal drive
Possessions acquired from a life of haves
when have-not could not be entertained because
our neighbours’ name might’ve been Wales or Jones
People met, forgot and some remembered and retained
like my favourite teddy or Post-its on my fridge;
a woman pheromoned and re-named
Information drenching like monsoon rain
soaking in through layers of clothes
becoming memories with moth in my top drawer
Spam splashing and bouncing off me like spray
to fall as rivulets which swirl down the drain
carrying away missed opportunities and yesterday’s views
Computers bought, bashed and crashed like the run-away train;
my pleading, wheedling, screaming with familiar hate
or stroking with affection when they perform to perfection
S1 change:
In my life are bits, the singularities and plurals
that whizz around like flies, that stick like burrs
that clump like cold penne pasta in my brain
In my life are bits, the singularities and plurals
that whizz around like flies, that stick like burrs
that clump like lumps of accretion in my brain
Chromosomes blended from the contributions
of my father and my mother, people I could blame
for my many manias, i b s and dismal drive
Possessions acquired from a life of haves
when have-not could not be entertained because
our neighbours’ name might have been Wales or Jones
People met, forgot and some remembered and retained
like my favourite teddy bear or Post-its on my fridge;
a woman pheromoned and re-named
Information drenching like monsoon rain
soaking in through layers of clothes
becoming memories with moths in my top drawer
Spam splashing and bouncing off me like spray
to fall as rivulets which swirl down the drain
carrying away missed opportunities and yesterday’s views
Computers bought, bashed and crashed like the run-away train;
my pleading, wheedling, screaming with familiar hate
or stroking with affection when they perform to perfection