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Word cloud - "Southern decade"

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:51 pm
by bodkin
This is a word-cloud exercise. Click the link below to see the word-cloud (you will need Java working in your browser).

Study the cloud and try to find groups of words which inspire you to some sort of poem. You do not need to use every word and you can add as many extra words as you need.

You can also adjust the words' exact forms: run -> ran, train -> trained, horse -> horses etc.



There is no end-date for the exercise, I will put another one up in a week or so...


p.s. These words are random, no prize this week... next week's a roll-over!

Re: Word cloud - "Southern decade"

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:40 pm
by KevJ

How do you combat
The demon driver death
Who rides in on the whisper
Of your dying breath
Tick tock goes the clock
Five minutes to midnight
The Grim Reaper comes
The dark robed villain
Wants to usher you
Into the blackness
Of oblivion.

Re: Word cloud - "Southern decade"

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:57 pm
by bodkin
New ways of being gone

All through that southern decade lurking
behind the murk of the old aquarium
besides the longest straightest road
where hardly any cars stop.

She barely ventures out except
to cross the barnyard to and from
a trailer provisionally labelled 'home'
where ageing chickens scratch ageing dust.

There is a reason for being here
but it never comes to mind, a serenity
even late at night
under the blackest rural sky

and only slightly dented when a car
or mobile home pulls reluctant
or ironically onto the weed-grown tarmac
and might contain a villain.