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In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:49 pm
by pitseleh
bought (yes BOUGHT) the album a while ago, giving a good listen now, have to say, i really like it... got some cracking haunting songs on it and a good lively guitar riff through bodysnatchers. im a massive fan of their earlier stuff, kid a imo is their finest hour. am i alone in being a huge fan.


Re: In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:50 pm
by David
I'm a Radiohead neophyte. Can you help me, H? What in particular would you recommend from In Rainbows? Be specific! Time is short.



Re: In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:14 pm
by pitseleh
well its a definate grower. not sure how recent you are to them, what albums have you been listening too?

in rainbows strikes me as one of those albums where the sum is perhaps greater than the parts. this one in particular is a two paced album.radiohead imo are a very good album band. reccomending a song from the album might not do the whole album its dues but maybe im being sentimental.

ok. listen to Faust arp
or maybe House of cards if youre new to the band. They can be heavy listening at times, but that stuff, once you get into it, has earned them their biggest brownie points with the tried and tested.

not sure if you can download the album any more(legally), but they were giving out downloadable copies of the album on the web, officially of course. Naturally, I'm not a tightarse and i bought mine - for collectable purposes


Re: In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:18 pm
by camus
David, just listen to:

The Bends, and then their progression to OK Computer....

That's all you need, the rest is wanky bollocks...

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:27 pm
by pitseleh
i must be the only radiohead fan missing the durability of ok computer. I bought it, loved it, now its gathering dust. Kid A is a durable record, whilst being totally original, and on the whole genius. dont get me wrong, ok comps got some great tunes, its just not "the best album of the 90s".. that would belong to one elliott smith. Radiohead have never matched the beauty of how to dissapear or pyramid song.. not to mention others. i must just be a wanky bollock lover.

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:35 pm
by camus
I bought it, loved it, now its gathering dust.

So are you are saying Kid A and Amnesiac have longer lasting implications?

Surely they'll be gathering dust, whilst the real classics maintain...

I dunno, I'm listening to the Velvet Underground, it all comes back to the classics, always will...

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:41 pm
by pitseleh
Nope. Amnesiacs crap. For me Kid A will have had longer lasting implications, yeh. Its not a seminal album in the sense it maybe wasnt as influential as OK computer, and i wouldnt probably be a fan now if it werent for OK computer
but yeh, i think on its own two feet, its a better album.

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:58 pm
by David
I couldn't get my hands on In Rainbows, but I've been having a little listen (as recommended by Kris) to The Bends.

Not bad, not unpleasant (I know I'm not supposed to be this lukewarm about them, but still) - I'm thinking of a younger, slimmer, sexier Pink Floyd. Is that fair?

Also, I think you could listen to this album and not know the blues existed. I don't mean it's not bluesy, because it doesn't have to be bluesy, but it's as if the blues doesn't (don't?) exist at all. Very interesting.

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:21 pm
by k-j
I still think Pablo Honey was as good an album as they've done - I suppose The Bends just pips it. Those are two great records.

OK Computer had some great moments but showed signs of wankiness, Kid A I thought was godawful, Amnesiac I skipped, Hail to the Thief I listened to about half of, then gave up. After OK Computer they disappeared up their own behinds in my opinion. Ran out of ideas and tried to hide their lack of substance behind style and slogans.

In Rainbows isn't terrible; it's definitely better than the previous three, but if it was the debut album of a new band it would almost certainly sink without trace. Just as well I paid nowt.

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:26 am
by Raisin
Haven't got the album yet but I do like Radiohead, especially Paranoid Android. The releases are weird, they can bring out something amazing, and then they lose it completely. I listen to them, but I don't think they will be a band I will remember when I am 95 years old, unlike some others I listen to.

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:27 am
by marten
Great album

Re: In rainbows

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:16 am
by bobvincent
Radiohead are wonderful, a class above all the indie bands since the early 90s, the more or less harmonious Pink Floyd of our time. Gloomy for many, but they will appeal to anyone with feelings and a brain.