When all else fails write about writing
This is a poem by Andrea Potos called
For the magazine who loved and published my poem, asked for more and then kept
rejecting them all:
If the title doesn't grab interest, the procreation imagery might!
Having a poem published can be a validation, though such 'success' may reflect, as Eliot said, 'a lack of ambition' (especially if 'acceptance is centred on a particular magazine/editor...becoming a 'house poet' as it were). Should an editor include their own poems in their publication, drawing on the kudos of the published poets, though not having to 'convince' or as Potos says
piercing the veils of your editors’ minds. At least, the editor won't have to jump the 'I don't understand what your poem is trying to say' hurdle ie the poem is impenetrable. A poet/editor always assumes that they are making sense