Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:40 am
I see the chaps have played some tennis with this one already so I'll keep the rally going if you don't mind. I just want to add my own thumbs up to what is an impressive piece of writing. You've cleverly made the point about time never really being on our side, by conjuring up one of those wonderfully lazy sunny scenes that we've all experienced, where you don't want the moment to end and, just for those few minutes, it's like time is stands still just for you. A very powerful and poignant feeling that I think you've captured really well.
Yes, the church stands sentinel over the proceedings, biding it's time watching the boy pick flowers. You might be able to reinforce that image of lives coming and going, by having the lad pick daisies which he then makes into a daisy chain -
As we sat
and watched
the daisies picked
from the meadow
A young boy
happily making daisy chains
for his sisters
on a sunny afternoon
during half term
Well, it works for me, but it's your rather beautiful baby.
It's good to have you posting, Jon. I like the cut of your jib already.
"This is going to be a damn masterpiece, when I finish dis..." - Poeterry