To repeat the rules, such as they are:
-- Each day I will post a prompt in a thread like this one.
-- You can use the prompt or go off on your own tangent, as the mood takes you
-- Post your resulting first draft into the same thread
-- Then read other people's drafts and reply with any comments or light (repeat light critique -- these are first drafts)
The idea is to do one each day, but obviously some of us have lives to get on with, it's OK to post a draft a few days late.
You shouldn't start on the day of the exercise, polish your poem for three days and then post it, however. If you have a draft that hasn't worked, post it anyway with an appeal for suggestions...
And if you have a different take on the prompt that you think people might like, then feel free to add that to the thread.
Write a poem using the following 10 words in any way you can. Feel free to lightly mutate words (e.g. walk -> walked, song -> songs, or light -> lightly). The words are:
reading, knee, beautiful, winter, February, mosaic, minutes, hand, warm, field
These words are selected from an actual poem by a Famous Published Poet, I will reveal the source poem later so we can all say "well I did better than that..."