half empty half fool
she consumed silver linings
from magic mirrors
Snow White
Hi nar,
Not sure I entirely get the significance of consumed silver linings - I'm thinking this relates to SW finding her prince which then turns the piece on its head from what I thought it to be about, i.e. the foolishness of vanity and the superficial, though the title doesn't suggest this either. Not so Snow White might - more of a sneering comment about empty-headed fools being rewarded. I found the opening line inspired, and the final one good, so think something more is needed in between.
Not sure I entirely get the significance of consumed silver linings - I'm thinking this relates to SW finding her prince which then turns the piece on its head from what I thought it to be about, i.e. the foolishness of vanity and the superficial, though the title doesn't suggest this either. Not so Snow White might - more of a sneering comment about empty-headed fools being rewarded. I found the opening line inspired, and the final one good, so think something more is needed in between.
to be totally honest... whenever you feel you really shouldn't write that, that's exactly what you should write.