Nonsense limericks

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Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:39 pm

Once, I wrote a bunch of some, which have not survived, but I remember four of them, so here they be, if anyone has any suggestions as to form and content...

If chertibils grint at the skite
When you swash at their 'bubs with a gyte,
Then who cleans the libbins
Attanched to their dibbins?
And hown can you clear up their shite?


Abababab Hoax was a jingler
With a singular song on his ringler.
It went like this:
Ho henko me tris
Ho honko me trenko me tringler.


The slopes of volcanic Ulan
Are too steep for the climbing of Man.
But mountainous goats
With comfortable coats
Will trot it as oft as they can!


LaMaraco Lanza, the geek,
Stole fifty-five wheens from my creek.
It made me so mad
I dorsalled his shad,
And cut off his cormorant's beak.
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Perspicacious Poster
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Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:28 pm

Hello Stuart,

These are wonderful.
- #1 and #2 put me in mind of the much loved Dr Seuss (although he would have changed the last line of #1,of course).
You just need to illustrate them now.. :)

My only suggestion would be -
It went like this: to my ear is too short: maybe
It went something like this: ?

Nice one
Instead of just sitting on the fence - why not stand in the middle of the road?
Perspicacious Poster
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Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:20 pm

Hi Stuart,
enjoyed all of these, though found the final one's final line surprisingly violent, then I reevaluated 'dorsalled'. :)
No.3 seems the weakest, to me (both in form and nonsense).
In No.4 I'd only change 'cut' to 'bit' (playing with the 'geek' idea).

Some thoughts on 1 & 2.

Bland chertibils grint at the skite
When their 'bubs are swashed with a gyte,
And who cleans the libbins
Attanched to their dibbins
Up ends a drib-libbling shyte.

Vi'cant Abababab Hoax was a jingler
on his ringler a song that was sing'lar
Beginning like this:
Ho henko me tris
Ho Ho honko me tronko me tringler.

Regards, Not

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Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:57 pm

Sheer genius Stuart - at first I thought 3 and 4 lacked the courage of 1 and 2 but they do grow . . . as Not points out, the violence of 4 is breathtaking, once decoded, though probably justified considering the wheens.
I am reminded of the late lamented Cutler.

I actually like the flatness of 'It went like this:' in number two. It breaks the rhythm and would work superbly in performance.
Can you YouTube all of these please? (My only suggestion re form and content). If you are shy perhaps you could train a wheen up to do it for you :)

Did you know that if you ask Alexa to read you a poem she invariably trips out a limerick? (all hideous blandishments concocted by smug limpwits at AmazonHQ). OKGoogle! is much better which was oddly disappointing.


p.s. I think you need an extra syllable in the last line of number 3. How about 'she-can'?
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Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:04 pm

Loved these, Stuart, every one of them.

I agree that the Abababab's third line could use a little doctoring.

I was a bit disappointed by the end of LaMaraco, I think because it was a jolt back to reality after four lines of wonderful gibberish.

Thanks for a good laugh.

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